I've waited for 4 weeks to go saujana wif camey.. == FINALLY ! My dreams cum true.. xD Wheeeeeeheeeheeeeee ! Ntg to blog bout today le.. Oni got sum pics.. -.-
Maju is still the BEST of the BEST ! ^^
She hot mehh ?? xD
heheheheheheheh.. p:
Ntg to do in the toilet le.. :p
I think i started to luv dis thingy le.. juz feel lik kissing it.. but donno wats dat call.. =xx xD
She luv dat thingy too ! But of coz she luv her laogong more loee ! xp [Too understand her d] :D
-SampaT- xD
Lan Yeng////Bitchy ! x)
-Happy Ending- ^^